
June 2024 – Amel’s lunch to celebrate her successful master’s defense


June 2024 – Dr. Chun-Yu (Delphine)’s Convocation Ceremony


May 2024 – Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress (Kimberly, Suzie and Amel’s oral presentations)

May 2024 – Canadian Connective Tissue Conference 2024 (Amel and Kimberly’s oral presentations)

May 2024 – Toronto Biomedical Engineering (ToBE) Conference 2024

Feb 2024 – Dr. Chun-Yu (Delphine) Lin’s lunch to celebrate her successful defense!

Feb 2024 – Precision Medicine (PRiME) Symposium


Feb 2024 – ORS Annual Meeting in Long Beach, California

Lab Lunch in California!

Winter 2023 Lab Holiday Party

Summer 2023 Lab Lunch and Activity

2023 MIE Symposium

2023 May – ToBE Conference

2022 December – Holiday Lab Lunch & Celebrating Henry’s Convocation

Congratulations Henry! We wish you all the best 🙂

2022 September – Lab Lunch & Congratulating Tony on his successful PhD defense!


2022 ASBMR Annual Conference in Austin, Texas, USA


2022 Summer Karaoke Night


2022 TOBE Conference


2022 May – Summer Lab Lunch


2020 Jan 21 – Lidan and Henry presenting our work at the annual ORS conference in Phoenix, AZ


2020 Jan 21 – Celebration lunch for Tony’s publication



2019 Oct 16-20 – Lidan and Delphine at BMES 2019

2019 Aug 19 – Celebration for Christina’s successful Masters Defense!

2019 Aug 13 – Tony presents at the ICMRS conference in Shenzhen, China

2019 June 27 – You lab summer escape room event!

2019 May 9 – Welcome to the new summer students!

2019 April 4 – Congratulations to Christina, Kevin, and Henry on their successful journal publications!

2019 Feb 1 – Feb 5 – 2019 ORS Annual Meeting

First time having a Highlight Session talk and two podium talks at the same conference!

Lunar New Year celebration while in Austin!

Check out our student interviews at ORS2019!

ORS 2019 – 026 from HubLE on Vimeo.

ORS 2019 – 027 from HubLE on Vimeo.

ORS 2019 – 029 from HubLE on Vimeo.

2019 Jan 5 – Drs. Ma and Middleton tie the knot. Congratulations! We are so happy for you two!

2018 Nov 26 – Congratulations on a successful defense Dr. Vivian Ma!

2018 Sept 28 – Oct 1 – ASBMR Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada

2018 July – Lab Event

2018 July – Lab Lunch

2018 June – MIE Symposium

2018 May – CCTC Conference

2018 Feb – Lab Lunch

2017 Nov – Kevin’s Convocation

2017 Sept – Celebration for Kevin’s Successful Defense

2017 Aug – Go-Karting with You Lab

2017 Mar – Annual ORS Meeting, San Diego

2016 Dec – IBBME Holiday Gingerbread House Building Event

2016 Dec – Holiday Lunch

2016 Aug – Kobe Farewell Lunch

2016 Aug – Lab Event: Archery Tag

2015 – Chao’s Defense

2015 – 好好工作 lunch

2015 – Lab Event: Rock Climbing

2015 May – Lab Lunch

2014 Dec – Lab lunch

2014 – Lab reunion in Houston, TX

2014 July – Lab Event: Kayaking Trip

2014 May – Summer Lab lunch

2014 Mar 15-18 – ORS 2014 Annual Meeting

2013 Dec – Lab lunch

2013 May – Lab lunch

2012 – Convocation

2012 – Lab Reunion

2012 Oct – Johnny’s Defense Celebration

2012 June – Lab Lunch

2012 – Summer Lab Lunch

2011 – MIE Lunch

2010 – IBBME Award Dinner

2010 – Wing-Yee Paper Party

2010 – Summer lab event

2010 – Conference

2009 – MIE Christmas Lunch

2009 – You Lab Art